The Music video 'Apply some pressure' by Maximo Park echoes Goodwin's theory as a relationship is shown near the end of the video between the lyrics and the music video itself. At the end of the music video, pressure is shown slightly through the bleeding of the singer's nose. This resembles pressure and is done subtly.We hope to add pressure into our music video and to add it into the video subtly also.The music video also includes thought beats throughout the performance. This also works well with the video as the band is playing the song with their instruments(not just singing the song). As we both find this technique effective, we will add thought beats into our music video to give it more of a professional feel to it. A lot of meat shots have also been used in this music video which again, mirror Goodwin's theory. We have decided to include this technique also as we feel that this is really effective and grabs the audience's attention.Maximo Parks' music video also supports Abercrombie's beliefs that the boundaries for music videos are shifting
Media language
The music video that we have analysed in detail doesn't show much of a narrative performance however we have decided to make our music video half narrative and half performance due to our audience research questionnaire results. Maximo Park's music video is not live which means that the song will have been lip synced. Our video will also be like this however some of this may be live, we will still lip sync their voices to keep the sound consistent. One of the examples how we will use semiotic techniques is adding a shot of a boiling pan which represent pressure and reflects the meaning of the song.(Throughout the music videos of Maximo Park, they have created a star image of black clothes and smart wear. We have decided to recreate this by keeping the black clothing, although mixing it up by using quite high key settings.
